Friday, July 26, 2013

shadow puppets.

    Imagine that you are standing in front of a bright light, casting a shadow on a wall behind you. It would take the shape of your body. If you moved your arm the shadow would move its arm too. If you jumped so would your silhouette. The shape you would see would be completely dependent on the things that you do.

     Now Imagine that your life so far is the person, and who you are going to become throughout your life is the image projected onto the wall. Do you think you would like the things you would see? What would your honest future look like, no possibility for you to lie to yourself or cover up some of the things you have done, and with out being able to be humble about the strong aspects of your personality and character. For me I bet there would be extremes represented, both good and bad. Because i'm young and extremely passionate about my dreams, but at the same time I'm young and I make mistakes.

     I think that's what life is about, learning how to eliminate the mistakes while holding onto, and growing that passion that you feel inside of your heart when ever you take a second to let it work its way out. Just like when you move your arm in front of the light to make our shadows move, we can make choices now that will also change how our lives will end up. I'm just a girl trying to make the right ones.